Monday, January 4, 2010


Searching for more information about a consulting firm led me to this great musing tonight from Gail Barrie, PCC, CPCC. She has a consulting business called Bold Moves Consulting. I was so taken with something she has written on her musings page, I wanted to share it with you.

Life is to be cherished like a lover. Oh YES, the greatest lover you could ever imagine. A lover that captivates you, filling you with wonder and making your mind soar with passionate possibility. One that sends shivers of delight through your entire being and makes you shake in your boots until you feel sure your heart will pound straight through your chest. Life is the lover that scares and excites you all at the same time...holding you so precious that you believe you can be or do anything your heart desires. Life is the lover that takes you to the edge and beyond, proclaiming over and over, "You're the One".
Embrace this lover, LIFE. Pledge yourself to the union and live each day like you're on a honeymoon. Honeymoon is more than a one-time shot; it's an eternal journey of heart and commitment. Let yourself be aroused by creativity and adventure, but the sweaty thrill of the moment and sweet promise of something new ahead. Turn your spark into fireworks. Take your beloved life and have it become your best dream made real.
Next time you look into the mirror, at the face of another, outside your door, across the globe....let it be love at first sight. And let the honeymoon begin...all over again.

2004 Gail Barrie